Loki and Ingrid 30 (!!)
The Fight Don’t trust anyone.” I hear it as a whisper at first, then louder. It’s Lyd. “You should all learn that by now.” “Lydvor, what are you trying to tell us—” begins Thor. “Don’t trust anyone! It’s not over; they’re coming?” “Who? Who’s coming!” “Aura and—” The door is thrust off its hinges in the explosion, as we all jump back. It’s Aura, and she’s not alone. “Did you think I would let you go so easily? Take a look at this .” She rips a tracker off Sif’s cloak. “I threw that at the last minute. Put one on your brother, too,” she narrows her eyes at me, “But I don’t care about him. I followed whoever could lead me to Loki. Revenge.” “Reven...