Writing update
No, Loki and Ingrid isn’t over yet. I may not write much more until endgame comes out, because I want to see how the story ends with Thanos and Thor, etc. Probably not seeing it until the 27th, so no spoilers plz. Anyway, I do plan to take it through infinity war and endgame, wrapping it after. As for other writings, Denial may never come back. It was an intriguing premise and I tried, but it just wasn’t working for me. I was trying to write a semi-realistic world where you would need to suspend your disbelief a bit. I’m not against this idea at all, in fact I consider the Gorillaz universe to be an AU, although creepier than I initially would have gone with Denial, as Gorillaz wasn’t one of my inspirations back then. Now that I have my new series (which I hope to continue through all phases and even upcoming ones) I feel like I can play around in a world that isn’t quite my own. I love the character dynamics of Gorillaz , and I was never afraid for my writing to get dark, so there’s t...