Writing update

No, Loki and Ingrid isn’t over yet. I may not write much more until endgame comes out, because I want to see how the story ends with Thanos and Thor, etc. Probably not seeing it until the 27th, so no spoilers plz. Anyway, I do plan to take it through infinity war and endgame, wrapping it after. As for other writings, Denial may never come back. It was an intriguing premise and I tried, but it just wasn’t working for me. I was trying to write a semi-realistic world where you would need to suspend your disbelief a bit. I’m not against this idea at all, in fact I consider the Gorillaz universe to be an AU, although creepier than I initially would have gone with Denial, as Gorillaz wasn’t one of my inspirations back then. Now that I have my new series (which I hope to continue through all phases and even upcoming ones) I feel like I can play around in a world that isn’t quite my own. I love the character dynamics of Gorillaz , and I was never afraid for my writing to get dark, so there’s that. I’ll definitely end up using some of the ideas from Denal elsewhere, but it was just too disjointed for me to justify continuing, coupled with a lack of motivation. While I don’t rule it out, the likelihood of Denial returning in its current iteration is slim. I’m sorry for those invested in the series, but some things don’t work out. I have longer original projects on the back burner that I may post in parts when I feel ready to share them publicly , which is not now. I’ll keep posting tidbits, like the Damon and Justine poem, and one off things as I see fit. Anyway , that’s about It, I hope you will enjoy everything in the future.



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