FAQ Part 2

Ok. What movie didn't meet your expectations? The Secret Life of Pets. It looked cute and funny, and it tried to be a dark edgy Zootopia ripoff. What a shame! For perspective I do like Illumination Entertainment.

What movie exceeded expectations? Wonder Woman. Heard it was great, but not that great. Last Jedi. A lot of people were mixed; I loved it as a longtime fan personally, although I am struggling with the reveal about Rey's background. I hope to do Star Wars reviews at some point.

Good movies you saw in the past few months, outside of the theater? Weirdly, I saw two movies set at sea, even though I am claustrophobic and I get motion sick. The first one was Titanic, and I personally enjoyed it, even though a lot of people I've talked to didn't like it. The other was The Hunt for Red October, which was a really good movie even though I don't watch submarine movies.

Movies you got for Christmas? Hunger Games: Catching Fire and Mockingjay Pt. 1 and 2, The Hunt for Red October, the Little Mermaid Diamond Edition, Wonder Woman. 

How about books? I read them.

What genres? Generally YA, MG, distopia and sci-fi, historical fiction, graphic novels, etc.

Favorite books? Probably the Penderwicks series from when I was younger. So hyped for book 5! I also really liked The Outsiders. A Crooked Kind of Perfect, Smile, When You Reach Me, The Thing About Jellyfish, A Wrinkle in Time, and The Wednesday Wars are some of my favorites.

Favorite authors? Jeanne Birdsall, of course. Sara Pennypacker, when I was younger. Linda Urban, Rebecca Stead, Madeline L'Engle, Raina Telgemeier, J.K. Rowling, Suzanne Collins, Kate DiCamillo, and more.

Favorite Youtubers? Melinda Kathleen Reese, Nathaniel Bandy, Conner the Waffle, MostAmazingTopTen and TopTenGaming, The Beatle Submarine, FBE, and others.

Favorite Twitch streamers? darbian, Andrewg1990, kosmicd12, Lackattack24, Skybliz, YellowKillerBee, Kungfufruitcup, AeonFrodo, etc. Yeah, I like speedrunning.

All right, the real controversial stuff. Keep it short. Are you religious? I was brought up Anglican and although I do disagree with the church and fellow Christians a lot,  do believe the fundamental beliefs of Christianity, and I believe people should be free to believe what they choose.

Pro-life or Pro-choice? Pro-life. You don't kill helpless beings, but we need more aid for people who would have abortions, better foster system, aid to low income families, trauma therapy for rape victims, etc.

Capital punishment? No. They don't have a chance to be redeemed; it's inhumane to not offer a second chance. You don't kill somebody because they killed somebody else. That said, I understand extreme situations, such as dealing with terrorists or war criminals.

Weed? I don't endorse smoking pot or tobacco, but one isn't worse than the other, and if tobacco is legal, pot should be legal.

Universal healthcare? Yup. It can work in non-communist countries too!

Trump? Nope, he's incompetent. That said, I don't want him assassinated or anything. I just hope he'll do something stupid enough to be impeached.

Military intervention? I oppose it in most circumstances, we need better diplomacy.

Trumps ties to Russia!!!....???Well, I don't like either Putin or Trump, so there.

LGBTQ+rights? I don't personally think the government should be involved, and they should marry whoever wants to get married. It's up to the church whether or not to marry them, but the courthouses? Nah...I am anti-discrimination.

Racism? It's bad.

Climate change? It's real. Please do something.

Gun control? Ban automatic weapons for civilians, better background checks, but don't ban all guns. It's pointless and ineffective.

Drugs? They're bad. Rehab not jail time.

Just, North Korea? Kim bad, people oppressed, nuff said.

The economy? It's a mess, capitalism is a mess, equality is nonexistent, and we need tighter policies and intervention. More like Sweden and less like USSR imho. That said, you can see I love Cold War movies, xD!

All right, I think that's pretty good. Posting, posting...


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